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Green Onion Bacon Dip


  • 2 cups green onions, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup chives, roughly chopped
  • juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • 12 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 pound bacon
  • chives, finely chopped (for topping)


  • In a food processor, puree the green onions, chives and lemon juice.
  • With a stand mixer or hand-held mixer, whip the cream cheese until smooth.
  • While mixing the cream cheese, slowly pour in the cream. Add the onion and chive puree, lemon zest and salt to the cream cheese mixture. Mix well to combine.
  • Line a sieve with a few layers of cheese cloth (with excess hanging over the sieve). Pour the dip into the sieve, cover with the excess cloth, and place over a small bowl. Chill overnight.
  • The following day, cook the bacon until crispy and set aside on a paper towel-lined plate. Once the bacon has cooled, chop it into bite-sized chunks.
  • Remove the dip from the fridge and uncover. Take the desired serving plate and place it on top of the sieve (make sure to align the sieve in the center of the serving plate). Holding both pieces together, carefully flip the sieve upside down (recruit a helping hand the first time you do this; it makes it easier). The dip will fall onto the serving plate. Remove the cheese cloth.
  • In large handfuls, cover the exposed surface of the dip with bacon. Continue this process until the entire cheese ball is coated. Sprinkle with chives. Serve chilled with tortilla chips or crackers.