What to do with leftovers? This is the song that never ends in A Pleasant Little Kitchen. In this case, it’s not about a leftover meal. It’s about a leftover ingredient.
You’ve been there–a quarter of an onion, half a jar of tomato paste, a mostly filled carton of buttermilk. There is a longing to keep these leftover ingredients and a guilt if it’s just tossed away. So the question is: What can I make with ______?
Today, egg whites will fill in that blank.

Egg yolks are required in several recipes (ice cream, pudding, mayonnaise, salad dressings, custards, pasta) and if you need an egg yolk, there will always be an egg white that remains.
Stop throwing the white away and start using it. Enjoy this pleasant little hint and start using all of that leftover ingredient.
What to make with egg whites:
Egg White Drop Soup with Radishes, Arugula and Chives
Buttermilk, Arugula and Shallot Frittata
Rose Meringue Cookies
Egg White Drop Soup with Radishes, Arugula and Chives

Buttermilk Frittata with Chives and Arugula